A couple of independent tests...
World Wildlife Fund (UK)
30 new-born babies
Blood tests taken from the umbilical cord
Analysed for the presence of 35 chemicals
Every baby tested positive for chemicals
Chemicals found have suspected links to birth defects, genital abnormalities and
certain types of cancer
All babies contained at least 5 of the 35 chemicals
Some contained as many as 14 of the 35 chemicals
Environmental Working Group (USA)
10 new-born babies
Blood tests taken from the umbilical cord
287 chemical and pollutants detected
Average body burden was 200 chemicals
Of the 287 chemicals detected:
180 cause cancer in humans or animals
217 are toxic to the brain and nervous system
208 cause birth defects or abnormal development in animal tests
These are some specific things found in the cord blood...
tin can linings
cleaning fluids
flame retardants
cosmetic ingredients
chemicals from baby bottles
non stick and water-proof coatings
non-stick chemicals flame-retardants
banned, yet persistent, pesticides such as DDT
artificial musks used in cosmetics and cleaning products
Just to give you a quick example"
Childrens berry flavored toothpaste ingredients:
Hydrated Silica
Sodium Laureth Sulphate
Cellulose Gum
Cocamidopropyl Betaine
Sodium Saccharin
Sodium Fluoride
Methyl Cellulose
FD&C Yellow no. 5
FD& C Blue no. 1
Looks a little scary right?
Lets break it down a little further to see whats REALLY in there...
Sodium Laureth SulfateEthoxylated emulsifier.
Made with carcinogens:
• Dioxane
• Ethylene Oxide
Can cause the formation
of nitrosamines
Toxic to aquatic species
Artificial colorsArtificial Colours.
Associated with:
Allergic reactions
PEG 12Solvent, Emulsifier.
Can be contaminated with:
•1, 4-dioxane
•Ethylene oxide
Sodium SaccharinArtificial Sweetener.
Prepared from Toluene.
Banned or restricted in many countries.
Carcinogenic, Mutagenic, Teratogenic
May cause:
Urticaria, Pruritis, Eczema, Nausea,
Diarrhea, Headache
AspartameArtificial Sweetener.
Prepared from phenylalanine and
aspartic acid;
Breaks down to methanol then
formaldehyde in the body.
No wonder they suggest adult supervision while brushing teeth!
Now the good news! There is an alternative for almost every chemical laden product out there.

If you are interested in learning more about them, or purchasing 100% natural, safe, synthetic chemical free products for you, your children and your family visit my online store at:
http://www.beautyinnature.mionegroup.com/And od course if you are interested in selling these wonderful products you can visit: